SUNDAY JUNE 22, 2025
Qualicum Beach Triathlon
Welcome to the 26th annual Quality Foods Qualicum Beach Triathlon. Whether you are a first time triathlete or a seasoned veteran, we hope you have a fun and rewarding experience with us!
Event Categories
Sunday, June 22, 2025
Welcome to the Qualicum Beach Triathlon!
This grass roots, family friendly triathlon is the perfect event for those brand new to the sport, those looking to compete in a fun yet challenging environment, or anyone looking for something for the whole family!
(15+) Individual: 5 km run, 20.5 km bike, 2.5 km run
9:00 AM
Adult - Individual or Relay
9:30 AM
(18+) Individual or Relay: 400 m swim, 20.5 km bike, 5 km run
1, 2 or 3 person teams permitted
Aquathlon* NEW
(15+) Individual: 400m Swim; 5 km run
10:30 AM
Junior - Individual or Relay
10:45 AM
(16-17 years): 250m Swim, 12.3 km (3 loops) Bike, 5 km (2 loops) Run
1, 2 or 3 person teams permitted
Youth - Individual or Relay
11:00 AM
(14-15 years): 200 m swim, 8.2 km (2 loops) bike, 2.5 km run
1, 2 or 3 person teams permitted
Minor - Individual or Relay
11:15 AM
(12-13 years): 150 m swim, 4.1 km bike, 1 km run
1, 2 or 3 person team permitted
Novice - Individual or Relay
11:30 AM
(10-11 years): 100 m swim, 4.1 km bike, 1 km run
1, 2 or 3 person team permitted
Rookie - Individual
11:45 AM
(8-9 years) Individual: Swim: 50m with aid of life jacket, kick board, pool noodle, adult assistance from side of pool allowed, bike 1km, run 800m to finish line
Tiny Tri
12:00 PM
(4-7 years) Individual: Swim: width of pool (life jacket, water wings, kick board, pool noodle or adult assistance allowed), bike 125m in parking lot (1 loop), run 250m to finish line

We need YOU!
We look forward to running an exceptional event this season and we cannot run this event without great people like you. The QBTRI requires a minimum of 50 volunteers to run our event smoothly!
The range of volunteer activities are listed below:
* Pool martials (3)- assist in the organization of athletes in each of the pool heats. OUTSIDE.
* Pool lap counters (6)- count the required number of laps for each athlete. INSIDE
* Transition Area martials (10)- working at the direction of the Transition area coordinator. OUTSIDE
* Transition Area security (2)- ensure the safety of Triathlon participant equipment. OUTSIDE
* Body markers (2)- use felt pen to mark numbers on shoulder and calf.
* Finish line (4)- collect ankle timers. Distribute medals to athletes. OUTSIDE
* Race Package pickup (6)-working on Saturday, distribute Race Packages to athletes.
* Cycle Route martials (6)- ensure participants “go the right way” at intersections. NO traffic control required. Sitting OUTSIDE
* Running route martials (6)- ensure participants “go the right way” at intersections. In forest, standing.
* Registration Table (3) - race day. Race experience an asset. OUTSIDE
* Timing Chip Registration (2) - Assign anklets to athletes. OUTSIDE
Race Details - FAQ
Race Package Pickup
Race Package pickup will be at Ravensong Pool located at: 737 Jones Street Qualicum Beach, British Columbia V9K 1S4 from 11:00am until 3:00pm on Saturday June 21st
Can someone else pick up my race package for me?
Absolutely! BUT.... make sure they have your Tri BC membership number and a copy of your ID.
Race Route - Map
Download the pdf for a route map of the Triathlon. (Map Link at bottom of FAQ page.) Please note the run portion of the triathlon goes through a trail section, it will be well marked on race day.
Swim Heat Placement
Your swim heat will be assigned to you after registration closes. This information will be provided to you at race package pick up. However, you will be asked to estimate your swim time when you sign up through Race Roster. It is recommended that you know your approximate time before sign up to ensure you are placed in a similar timing heat.
What is your refund policy?
Refund will be given for medical withdrawal only, no later than 48 hours prior to race day.
Racer Rules and Regulations
Tri BC Rules and Regulations are available for download (link below). A copy of this PDF will also be emailed to you upon registration via Race Roster.
Can parents stay in transition to assist kids?
Parents may assist in transition for ROOKIE and TINY TRI events ONLY.
For all other age categories, once the race begins all non-athletes MUST leave transition (there are no exceptions and athletes will be disqualified as per Tri BC rules if assistance is provided).
Pedal Clips and Cages
Clip in pedals and cages/ straps ARE permitted for all ages
Can I ride my cruiser style bike in this event?
Yes, as long as it has a brake on both wheels.
Electronic Devices
Illegal equipment includes, but is not limited to:
• Headphone(s) and/or headset(s) or technical earplug(s), or smart helmets
which are inserted or covering the ears, including glasses/sunglasses with
built-in sound or visual image delivery systems.
Phones, smart watches and bike computers used for tracking race statistics ARE permitted.
Do youth Race Distances meet regulation?
Qualicum Beach Triathlon is a TRIBC sanctioned event. All race categories will either match TRIBC regulations, or will be slightly shorter due to our race route requirements.
TRI BC Membership and Promo Code
This is a sanctioned event with Triathlon BC.
All participants must either be TRI BC members or purchase day-of event insurance (included in entry fee).
If you are a TRI BC member, you are eligible for a discount at sign up. However, you MUST provide proof of membership (card or number) at race package pickup.
Community of Support
This Event would not be possible without the support of these amazing local businesses.